Abstract's details
Jason-1 GDR-E Reprocessing
Event: 2015 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record
Presentation type: Poster
Jason-1 was launched in December 2001 and routinely monitored the ocean until June 2013, date of its final measurement. It first flew on the historical ground track, as a successor of TOPEX/Poseïdon mission. In February 2009, Jason-1 assumed a new orbit midway between its original ground track but with a time lag of approximately 5 days with Jason-2 to provide an optimal coverage for Near Real Time (NRT) applications. In May 2012, it left its repeat track orbit for a geodetic phase until it was finally decommissioned.
Jason-1 time series continued the extraordinary sea level record first initiated by TOPEX/Poseïdon mission. Even if this mission is finished, the quality of such a record can still be improved, as science progresses are continuously made.
In 2014, CNES and NASA have started work on the reprocessing of the new Jason-1 GDR-E release. The main improvements concern the geophysical content of the products. Here is presented an overview of the first GDR-E products, and particularly:
- The assessment of the standard E orbits which use a new gravity field model that should enhance the regional mean sea level by reducing the basin scale discrepancies.
- The impact of the new ocean tides and mean sea surface.
Jason-1 time series continued the extraordinary sea level record first initiated by TOPEX/Poseïdon mission. Even if this mission is finished, the quality of such a record can still be improved, as science progresses are continuously made.
In 2014, CNES and NASA have started work on the reprocessing of the new Jason-1 GDR-E release. The main improvements concern the geophysical content of the products. Here is presented an overview of the first GDR-E products, and particularly:
- The assessment of the standard E orbits which use a new gravity field model that should enhance the regional mean sea level by reducing the basin scale discrepancies.
- The impact of the new ocean tides and mean sea surface.
Contribution: Poster_OSTST15_JASON-1_GDR-E_Reprocessing.pdf (pdf, 6377 ko)
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