Abstract's details
SENTINEL-3 STM Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) Overview
Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Others (poster only)
Presentation type: Poster
The Sentinel-3 Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) will be in charge of executing the acquisition, processing, archiving and dissemination of data from the S-3 Altimetry sensors, i.e from the SRAL (Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter), the MWR (Microwave Radiometer) instruments, and the GNSS and DORIS assembly embarked in the Sentinel-3 satellite. Note that S-3 will also embark the OLCI (Ocean and Land Colour instrument) and SLSTR (Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer) instruments.
The Sentinel-3 PDGS will consist of centres with the following functionality's:
- Core Ground Station(s) providing acquisition and Near-Real-Time LAND Processing functionality;
- Land PDGS Centre(s) providing Offline Processing, Auxiliary Data Coordination, Mission Performance Monitoring, User Interface and Long Term archiving functionality for LAND products.
- Marine PDGS Centre providing Processing, Mission Planning, Mission Performance Monitoring, User Interface and Long Term archiving functionality for MARINE products;
Circulation, Short Term Archiving, Online Archiving and Monitoring functionality are common to all Centres.
- S-3 Mission Performance Centre (MPC) will be the Core Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) element responsible for the calibration, validation, algorithm maintenance and evolutions, operational quality control and end-to-end system performance monitoring for the S-3 mission.
This poster provides an overview (focussed on the S-3 Surface Topography Mission) of the Sentinel-3 PDGS, with its different centres and functionality's, including data and products, which will be generated operationally by the Sentinel-3 PDGS.
The Sentinel-3 PDGS will consist of centres with the following functionality's:
- Core Ground Station(s) providing acquisition and Near-Real-Time LAND Processing functionality;
- Land PDGS Centre(s) providing Offline Processing, Auxiliary Data Coordination, Mission Performance Monitoring, User Interface and Long Term archiving functionality for LAND products.
- Marine PDGS Centre providing Processing, Mission Planning, Mission Performance Monitoring, User Interface and Long Term archiving functionality for MARINE products;
Circulation, Short Term Archiving, Online Archiving and Monitoring functionality are common to all Centres.
- S-3 Mission Performance Centre (MPC) will be the Core Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) element responsible for the calibration, validation, algorithm maintenance and evolutions, operational quality control and end-to-end system performance monitoring for the S-3 mission.
This poster provides an overview (focussed on the S-3 Surface Topography Mission) of the Sentinel-3 PDGS, with its different centres and functionality's, including data and products, which will be generated operationally by the Sentinel-3 PDGS.
Contribution: Poster_OSTST14_S3_PDGS_V1.pdf (pdf, 3163 ko)
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