Abstract's details
NASA and NOAA Collaborative Altimetric Data Information and Access Webpage
Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services
Presentation type: Poster
NASA's PO.DAAC and NOAA's NODC have combined forces to create mirroring webpages that provides users a single place to find altimetric data and access information. As more missions are being launched, the data are being distributed in various data centers, but there is a disconnect as to which data center has which mission data. Often a user is use to going to a single data center and finds out that the mission data they are interested in is not hosted there, either by spending time searching or contacting the data center itself. To alleviate some of the confusion, the collaborative webpages will contain information on all altimetric missions and where the mission generated data can be obtained. Since ocean surface topography (OST) data covers more than just the mission generated data, the integrated information pages will also include sections on other data centers, coastal and hydrological altimetry and sea level trends. The idea of these joint pages is not to rehash information that is already out there, but provide bite sized information so the user can be redirected to the correct place with little effort to the user or the data center. We intend that the content of these pages will be the same at NODC and PO.DAAC and updated regularly.
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