Abstract's details

Global Jason-2 Data Quality Assessment

Michaël Ablain (CLS, France)

Sabine Philipps (CLS, France); Hélène Roinard (CLS, France); Nicolas Picot (CNES, France); Jean-Damien Desjonquères (CNES, France)

Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record

Presentation type: Oral

Long-term monitoring of the Jason-2 altimetric systems is routinely performed at CLS, as part of the CNES SALP (Système d'Altimétrie et Localisation Précise) project. The main objective of this activity is to provide an estimation of the mission performances for oceanic applications such as mesoscale or climate studies. The monitoring of all altimeter and radiometer parameters is routinely performed in order to detect jumps or drifts. The objective of this presentation consists in giving an overview of Jason-2 data coverage and data quality concerning altimeter and radiometer parameters, but also the performance of delayed and real time products (GDR, IGDR, OGDR/OSDR) at mono-mission crossovers and along-track.
Cross calibration between altimetry missions or with in-situ measurements is also systematically performed in order to estimate altimetry errors at different spatial and temporal scales. Jason-1 mission switched to a geodetic orbit in May 2012 and stopped to send data on 21st June 2013. Therefore cross-calibration between Jason-2 and Jason-1 is no longer possible. However cross-comparison results between both missions were updated with new altimeter standards (orbit, geophysical corrections). In addition, systematic comparisons with SARAL/Altika measurements have been performed for 1 year providing relevant comparison with Jason-2.
As Jason-2 is the reference mission used in operational applications or for delayed time studies and especially for monitoring of the Global Mean Sea Level, the assessment of Jason-2 data quality is particular important and we pay special attention to the long-term stability of Jason-2 Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL).

Contribution: 29Ball1615-5_Pres_PerfoJason2_Ablain.pdf (pdf, 2221 ko)

Corresponding author:

Michaël Ablain




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