Abstract's details

On the assimilation of Sentinel-3A in the wave model MFWAM : global and regional scales

Lotfi Aouf (Division Marine et Océanographie Météo-France, France)

Event: 2016 SAR Altimetry Workshop

Session: Applications, SAR for science

Presentation type: Oral

The availability of Sentinel-3A (S3A) SRAL wave data will increase the coverage of observations over the oceans and the revisit of some areas will be certainly improved. The retrieval of S3A SRAL wave data is completely based on delay Doppler altimetry (SAR mode) technique. We can expect the assimilation of S3A wave heights impacting more the coastal regions. The goal of this work is to assess the positive impact of the assimilation of S3A revealed by the preliminary results. We then need to evaluate further the assimilation of S3A in the global and regional operational wave models during longer period (~6 months). The validation of the results with independent wave data (altimeters and buoys) will be performed. We will investigate the bias of significant wave height from SRAL in the tropics. To this end a comparison between the assimilation of S3A SRAL wave data with the one of SAR directional wave spectra of Sentinel-1A is examined for dependency of the bias with swell regime. The persistency of the assimilation of S3A will be also investigated in the forecast period. discussions and conclusions will be commented in the final paper.

Contribution: APP05_Aouf_saraltimetry_s3a.pdf (pdf, 1857 ko)

Corresponding author:

Lotfi Aouf

Division Marine et Océanographie Météo-France



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