Abstract's details

Leveraging Sentinel-6A interleaved mode to characterize High Resolution error budget over ocean

Emeline Cadier (CLS, France)

Salvatore Dinardo (CLS, France); Ngan Tran (CLS, France); Thomas Moreau (CLS, France); Claire Maraldi (CNES, France); François Boy (CNES, France); François Bignalet-Cazalet (CNES, France); Cristina Martin-Puig (EUMETSAT, Germany); Remko Scharroo (EUMETSAT, Germany)

Event: 2022 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Quantifying Errors and Uncertainties in Altimetry data

Presentation type: Oral

The Copernicus Sentinel-6A mission was successfully launched on the 21st November 2020. This mission is taking the responsibility to extend the global sea level record on the reference low inclination orbit started in 1992 with TOPEX/Poseidon mission and continued by the Jason series. This new Copernicus constellation (Sentinel-6B launch expected in 2026) will ensure the continuity of this unique high-precision coverage of altimetry data in support to climate change monitoring, research, and forecasting, as well as operational oceanography applications.

In the frame of the CNES/EUMETSAT commissioning activities, Sentinel-6A LR (LRM) and HR (SAR) data from PDAP have been fully validated thanks to the tandem flight with Jason-3. Both LR datasets are in line allowing a smooth transition between Jason-3 and Sentinel-6A as a reference mission. Thanks to Poseidon-4 altimeter on board Sentinel-6A and its interleaved mode, co-located LR and HR measurements are provided, allowing a precise estimation of the performances between the modes by direct comparison.

In this presentation, we focus on the assessment of Sentinel-6A HR data over ocean. We aim at listing the known small limitations and draw a first error budget of Sentinel-6A HR data, with the objective to identify potential processing improvements.

The assessment has been compared to Sentinel-3A SAR performances and its remaining small errors (Raynal et al 0STST 2019 and Cadier et al OSTST 2020). Analyses show some similarities, in term of swell dependencies or wind impact, but also some different behaviours: it has been shown that the impact of ocean vertical velocity is more important on Sentinel-6A HR than on Sentinel-3.

Contribution: ERR2022-Leveraging_Sentinel-6A_interleaved_mode_to_characterize_High_Resolution_error_budget_over_ocean.pdf (pdf, 2082 ko)

Corresponding author:

Emeline Cadier




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