Abstract's details

Assessment of Reprocessed TOPEX/Jason/Sentinel-6 Altimetry: Impact on Global Mean Sea Level Estimates

Brian Beckley (KBR Inc./NASA GSFC, United States)

Xu Yang (KBR Inc. / NASA GSFC, USA); Frank Lemoine (NASA GSFC, USA); Richard Ray (NASA GSFC, USA); Michael Croteau (NASA GSFC, USA); Nikita Zelensky (University of Maryland, USA); Gary Mitchum (University of South Florida, USA); Josh Willis (NASA JPL, USA); Jean-Damien Desjonqueres (NASA JPL, USA); Severine Fournier (NASA JPL, USA); Shannon Brown (NASA JPL, USA); Shailen Desai (NASA JPL, USA)

Event: 2023 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record

Presentation type: Poster

Several recent altimeter data reprocessing/re-calibration analyses have been completed for both the current Sentinel-6 Michael Frielich (F08 version) mission, and the historical TOPEX/Jason time series including TOPEX/Poseidon retracking and radiometer re-calibrations for Jason-2 and Jason-3. The GSFC orbit standard std2006 has also been revised to include updated time variable gravity forward modeling. In this presentation we re-estimate Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) and assess the accuracy of the revised 30+ year sea surface height time series via tide gauge comparisons and ocean mass budget analyses.

Contribution: CVL2023-Assessment_of_Reprocessed_TOPEX_Jason_Sentinel-6_Altimetry__Impact_on_Global_Mean_Sea_Level_Estimates.pdf (pdf, 2341 ko)

Corresponding author:

Brian Beckley


United States


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