Abstract's details

Developments and new challenges for altimetric data assimilation into high-resolution ocean circulation models

Pierre Brasseur (CNRS/LGGE, France)

Pierre-Antoine Bouttier (CNRS/LGGE, France); Jean-Michel Brankart (CNRS/LGGE, France); Marina Duran (CNRS/LGGE, France); Florent Garnier (CNRS/LGGE, France); Jacques Verron (CNRS/LGGE, France); Emmanuel Cosme (UGA/LGGE, France)

Event: 2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Application development for Operations

Presentation type: Poster

During the past four years, a variety of advanced assimilation methods have been explored and developed with the objective of improving our capacity to incorporate altimetric data into high-resolution ocean models. These methods take advantage of new concepts that emerged in the field of stochastic ocean modelling, statistical estimation and optimal control. On the one hand, well established methodologies such as variational methods and ensemble-based filters/smoothers have been implemented, expanded and complexified to take into account non-Gaussian error statistics or non-linear model dynamics. On the other hand, more generic methods such as particle filters have been explored to cope with the huge dimension of realistic ocean models.

In the framework of the OSTST and the EU-funded SANGOMA project (2012-2015), the focus was set on the application and testing of novel stochastic assimilation concepts into a consistent set of ocean model benchmarks of increasing complexity using the NEMO modelling framework. Applications into eddy-resolving configurations of ocean basins (North Atlantic) and regional seas at low latitude (Salomon Sea) using altimetric products (Envisat, Jason, SARAL/AltiKA) in conjunction with other data (in situ profiles) and image information (SST, ocean colour) provide a unique approach to (i) improve our scientific understanding of the role of the mesoscale ocean dynamics, (ii) develop our capability to monitor and forecast the mesoscale/submesoscale features of the ocean circulation, (iii) provide added-value information on the space-time variability of the sea-surface topography including error statistics and advanced diagnostics, (iv) demonstrate the capability of coupled physical-biological systems for the monitoring of living resources and carbon dioxide storage and fluxes.

In this poster, we will review the progress made in altimetric data and image assimilation for science and operational applications, and we will discuss the new assimilation challenges that will have to be addressed in the prospect of future satellite nadir, wide-swath and hybrid high-resolution altimetric constellations.

Corresponding author:

Pierre Brasseur




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