Abstract's details

Jason-3 / Poseidon-3B first results

Jean-Damien Desjonqueres (CNES, France)

Event: 2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Instrument Processing: Measurement and retracking (SAR and LRM)

Presentation type: Oral

We present here major results of the Poseidon -3B during the in-flight assessment phase.
In particular the mode Diode/DEM Mode using automatic transition will be detailed. Jason-3 and Sentinel-3 will be the first missions to use the Diode/DEM mode as an operational mode and Jason-3 will have the capability to automatically switch between autonomous and Diode/DEM mode. This presentation should make users more familiar with this new functioning and understand how it can improve the data availability over coastal areas and hydrological targets

Contribution: IPM_02_desjonqueres_OSTST_2016_POS3B_imageCompress.pdf (pdf, 4231 ko)

Corresponding author:

Jean-Damien Desjonqueres




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