Abstract's details

Sentinel-3B commissioning: first results from the Level 2 Marine Products

Remko Scharroo (EUMETSAT, Germany)

Cristina Martin-Puig (EUMETSAT, Germany); Carolina Nogueira Loddo (EUMETSAT, Germany); Bruno Lucas (HE Space Operations, Germany); Salvatore Dinardo (HE Space Operations, Germany)

Event: 2018 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record

Presentation type: Oral

Sentinel-3 is part of a series of Sentinel satellites responsible for taking care of a continuous ‘health check’ of the Earth planet under the umbrella of the Copernicus program. The main objective of the Sentinel-3 mission is to monitor the marine environment. The Copernicus program will launch four Sentinel-3 satellites (from A to D) to achieve this goal from 2016 to 2022. At present, Sentinel-3A is operational and Sentinel-3B is being commissioned, flying in tandem, along the same ground track.

This work aims at presenting the commissioning results of Sentinel-3B in comparison with Sentinel-3A. This includes cross-comparisons of sea level, significant wave height, backscatter coefficients and wind speed; both their absolute value, relative drift, and performance.

The latest Sentinel-3A and B mutli-mission cross-calibration results are to be provided: quantification of cross-overs (mono- and multi-mission); multi-mission time series and collinear track analyses (including Jason-2, Jason-3, and SARAL/AltiKa).
Sentinel-3B commissioning: first results from the Level 2 Marine Products

Corresponding author:

Remko Scharroo




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