Abstract's details
Sentinel-3 LAND Altimetry products and intended evolutions
Event: 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Science IV: Altimetry for Cryosphere and Hydrology
Presentation type: Oral
The Copernicus Sentinel-3 (S3) mission is today flying in constellation following the successful launch of the S3B satellite (April 2018) and associated commissioning phase. The first satellite, S3A, was launched in February 2016 and is nominally operated in routine phase since October 2017 along now with S3B, this latter being 140˚ ahead of S3A on the same orbit plane.
The S3 Surface Topography Mission (STM), built on the heritage of ESA’s ERS, Envisat and CryoSat missions, is primarily an ocean mission, however, the STM mission is intended to provide continuity with the ESA CryoSat High-Resolution sea-ice and land ice surface measurements used to derive floating ice thickness and ice sheet topography over the two poles, as well as to provide measurements of River and Lake Heights (RLH) for large rivers, their tributaries and lakes to at least the quality of the RA-2 on ESA ENVISAT mission.
The European Space Agency (ESA) is responsible for the generation, performance and delivery of the S3 LAND products to the Copernicus Services and user community.
In order to better answer new needs and requirements from the Copernicus Services and user community, ESA is looking into an evolution of the S3 LAND Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS), offering more flexibility and adequacy of the processing per surface types (e.g. Inland waters, land ice, Sea-ice) through tailored and dedicated processing chains, and user products.
The expected evolutions of the ground processing will cover in particular the inclusion of the zero-padding (i.e. over-sampling of the waveforms), the implementation of the Hamming weighting function for the sea-ice and inland water surfaces processing and the implementation of the waveform centering for the processing of the ice sheet margins.
This paper aims at presenting the status of the ESA S3 LAND products, their current performances, and the intended plans for improved end-to-end “L0 to L2” processing chains per surface types as an intended evolution of the ESA S3 LAND PDGS and products.
The S3 Surface Topography Mission (STM), built on the heritage of ESA’s ERS, Envisat and CryoSat missions, is primarily an ocean mission, however, the STM mission is intended to provide continuity with the ESA CryoSat High-Resolution sea-ice and land ice surface measurements used to derive floating ice thickness and ice sheet topography over the two poles, as well as to provide measurements of River and Lake Heights (RLH) for large rivers, their tributaries and lakes to at least the quality of the RA-2 on ESA ENVISAT mission.
The European Space Agency (ESA) is responsible for the generation, performance and delivery of the S3 LAND products to the Copernicus Services and user community.
In order to better answer new needs and requirements from the Copernicus Services and user community, ESA is looking into an evolution of the S3 LAND Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS), offering more flexibility and adequacy of the processing per surface types (e.g. Inland waters, land ice, Sea-ice) through tailored and dedicated processing chains, and user products.
The expected evolutions of the ground processing will cover in particular the inclusion of the zero-padding (i.e. over-sampling of the waveforms), the implementation of the Hamming weighting function for the sea-ice and inland water surfaces processing and the implementation of the waveform centering for the processing of the ice sheet margins.
This paper aims at presenting the status of the ESA S3 LAND products, their current performances, and the intended plans for improved end-to-end “L0 to L2” processing chains per surface types as an intended evolution of the ESA S3 LAND PDGS and products.
Contribution: SC4_02_PFEMENIAS-S3-Land.pdf (pdf, 8247 ko)
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