Abstract's details

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich and Jason-3 Tandem Flight Exploitation (S6-JTEX) study

Thomas Moreau (CLS, France)


Laiba Amarouche (CLS, France); Samira Amraoui (BIOceanOR, France); Emeline Cadier (CLS, France); Anna Mangilli (CLS, France); Pierre Prandi (CLS, France); Nicolas Taburet (CLS, France); Ngan Tran (CLS, France); Michael Ablain (Magellium, France); Marcello Passaro (TUM, Germany); Florian Schlembach (TUM, Germany); Julius Oelsmann (TUM, Germany); Denise Dettmering (TUM, Germany); Pietro Guccione (ARESYS, Italy); Lisa Recchia (ARESYS, Italy); Jorge Magalhaes (University of Porto, Portugal); José da Silva (University of Porto, Portugal); Adriana Maria Santos-Ferreira (University of Porto, Portugal); Ben Timmermans (NOC, United Kingdoms); Christine Gommenginger (NOC, United Kingdoms); Chris Banks (NOC, United Kingdoms); Craig Donlon (ESA, The Netherlands); Claire Maraldi (CNES, France); François Bignalet-Cazalet (CNES, France); François Boy (CNES, France)

Event: 2023 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Sentinel-6 Validation Team (S6VT) Meeting

Presentation type: Type Oral

Contribution: PDF file


The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich and Jason-3 Tandem Flight Exploitation (S6-JTEX) is an ESA funded project aiming to provide an exhaustive analysis of the S6-MF measurements during the tandem flight opportunity with Jason-3 that would demonstrate the high benefit of this new altimeter reference mission to extend the legacy of sea-surface height measurements, to produce accurate sea-state data record over ocean, and to enable seamless transition for inland water height. Other objectives are to implement a number of scientific studies that fully exploit the capabilities of the mission and develop innovative processing to allow for new potential products and applications. A further objective is to ensure a full and open sharing of all the research outputs from these studies with the science community, provided in the form of peer-reviewed journal but also summarized in project reports which will be made available to the public on the web site https://www.s6-jtex.org/ at the end of the project (early next year).
The consortium involved in this project gathers various experts who addressed different research issues, organised by surfaces and processing. These activities concern the open ocean (uncertainties and GMSL, CalVal ocean, sea state, internal waves detection), the coastal regions, the inland waters, the cryosphere surfaces (lake ice thickness), and also altimeter data processing (optimization and exploitation of the FF-SAR processing, and a statistical analysis of the S6-MF L1 data). In this presentation, an overview of the main findings from this project is given.


Oral presentation show times:

Room Start Date End Date
Grande Beach Room (#208) Thu, Nov 09 2023,16:15 Thu, Nov 09 2023,16:30
Thomas Moreau