Abstract's details

Jason-2 GDR-F reprocessing impact on mission performances over ocean

Hélène ROINARD (CLS, France)


Jerome Coquelin (ALTEN for CLS, France); François Bignalet-Cazalet (CNES, France)

Event: 2023 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record

Presentation type: Type Forum only

Contribution: PDF file


TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1/2/3 and then Sentinel-6A-MF have allowed to build a high-precision ocean altimetry data record on historical ground track as the reference mission serie.
Long-term monitoring of the Jason altimetric system is routinely performed at CLS, as part of the CNES SALP (Système d'Altimétrie et Localisation Précise) project. The main objective of this activity is to provide an estimation of these missions’ performances for oceanic applications such as mesoscale or climate studies. As TOPEX/Jason/Sentinel-6 are the reference missions used in operational applications or for delayed time studies and especially for monitoring of the Global Mean Sea Level, we pay special attention to the long-term stability of their Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL). Sentinel-6 datasets have followed standard “F” from its launch onwards. The Jason-3 mission reprocessing in standard “F” was performed during 2021, and the reprocessing of Jason-2 data is ongoing. A precise knowledge of Jason-2 data quality and errors is a key activity to ensure a reliable service to scientists involved in climate change studies.
In this presentation, we aim at presenting the overall performance of Jason-2 through different metrics highlighting the high-level accuracy of this mission. We will give an overview of Jason-2 data coverage and data quality concerning altimeter and radiometer parameters, but also the performance of delayed time products (GDR) at mono-mission crossovers and along-track. We will focus on the way the reprocessing would impact Jason-2 dataset and improve the long-term stability of the reference GMSL.
